Going up against a federal prosecutor and a posse of law enforcement agents is, to say the least, a scary situation. It doesn’t matter whether you think you are entirely innocent or if you might have been involved in some activity that falls under the scrutiny of the United States Attorney’s Office or some other arm of the Department of Justice. You need an experienced, battle-tested defender in your corner, someone who understands how federal prosecutors and agents operate, how to zealously protect your rights and mitigate the threat to you, and how to vigorously defend the case if charges are brought and the possibility of a trial and a lengthy prison term loom large. Who better than a former Assistant United States Attorney and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney to take up your cause and protect you? If you have reason to believe that you are or might be involved in a federal criminal investigation or case, I invite you to contact me for a free consultation. You need answers, and you need a champion. Call me.